Web World

The Right Words Drive Revenue @ IBM Cognos

You need to manage the words that bring people to your website and the words that will bring them through it. The IBM Cognos website has achieved three-times the industry average for lead generation. One way they did this was by focusing on getting found in search. They learned some […]

IBM Cognos Analytics And The Trebling Of Sales Leads

Know the single most important thing your website is supposed to do. “I think deciding what our Website was meant to do was the first and most important step to achieving results.” So, states Senior Manager, Web Demand Generation for IBM. Your website, whether it be government, non-profit, intranet or […]

Does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Has Pitfalls?

Bringing someone to your website is just the first step. Unless they complete a task you have wasted time and money. The Google homepage is one of the most poorly search engine optimized websites on the Web. If you search for “search engine” (There are 6 million such searches every […]