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Time Is Money (Part 2): Time for Intranet Leadership

Managers need to focus on making things easy to do. If it’s not easy, it often doesn’t get done. A couple of years ago, company A, hired a manager specifically appointed by the CEO to improve employee morale. After presenting him with data that showed that his intranet had the […]

Time is Money (Part 1): Increasing Employee Productivity

Most organizations are only operating at 60 percent efficiency even though they may have the most cutting edge information technology available. At a conference recently where a speaker asked an audience of some 600 intranet professionals to raise their hands if their organizations used SAP. About 60 percent of the […]

How To Measure The Success Of Your Intranet

Focus on saving time for your employees if you want to create an intranet that delivers true value to your organization. “The source of material civilization is developed power,” Henry Ford wrote in 1926. “If one has this developed power at hand then a use for it will easily be […]