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OECD Case Study: Customers Are Looking For Answers, Not Books

Why do people read a book? Why do they watch a video? In a business setting it’s because they want to get something done. They have a task to complete, a problem to solve. The OECD is one of the world’s largest publishers in the fields of economics and public […]

Does Usability Testing Have Drawbacks?

A primary rule of web management is: ‘Do as I do, not as I say’. So why do we ask people to say what they’re doing during usability tests? About a year ago a university professor explain concisely how he liked to use a particular website. “Now when I have […]

Do we always manage what we can easily measure?

The challenge of management is not just measurement. It’s measuring the right things. There is an old saying among managers: If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it. It’s one of the basic principles of management and many would say that whatever is not measurable is not seen as […]