cloud solution

Are the “Right Things” being Measured?

Having enormous quantities of people visit gargantuan numbers of pages on your website is the only metric that matters. Health websites around the world have been thriving as a result of swine flu. Millions upon millions of new visitors and countless millions of new page views. “It’s really wonderful,” said […]

Fantasizing, Fear-Mongering: Are they still Effective?

As the media loses readers and profits it becomes increasingly shrill. But is the public becoming more and more immune to the hyperventilating message? You often heard it said that the news needs to make us feel bad so that the ads can make us feel good. Life is a […]

Traditional Writing won’t work on the Web

Most web content is overwritten; too much content, too much context, not nearly enough focus on the action. Unfortunately, we’re taught to write this way. How often are you presented with content on the Web that begins something like this: “Exciting, compelling, and effective user experiences result in high levels […]