
Consumers Need News They Can Use

Giving control of a website to a communicator can be like giving a pub to an alcoholic. Writers and communicators have many of the skills needed to achieve great things on the Web. Public websites and intranets run on content. Writers and communicators have been trained in creating content. There […]

Every Millisecond Counts (Google Marketing)

What Google does runs contrary to much business thinking. It sees the customer’s time as the scarcest resource. The organization is buying time from the customer. Time is scarcer than oil or gold. It is ultimately all that we have. When it runs out, everything shuts down. “Google Deliberately Sells […]

Are the press releases merely SPIN & PROPAGANDA?!

It is commonly known that press releases are a form of propaganda. But re-publishing them on your website may show your customers how are you attempting to spin the media?! The Web is where we go because we neither believe the hype nor like being spun. The Web is the […]