professional web presence

Does your Customer Fall in Your Forest Website?

If your customers fall in the forest of your website and you don’t hear them scream, did they really make a sound? Yes they did. It was the sound of them clicking on the Back (I’m outta here and I won’t be back) button. I’ve been doing this web thing […]

Is Managing Your Customers’ Time a Good Idea?

The Web is not free. It charges customers their time. Successful websites deliver the most value for the least time. Google is the benchmark for success on the Web. Google is obsessed with time. Your time. Google is all about helping you find stuff quickly. Practically everything Google does has […]

How to Create Clear Web Navigation Menus?

To create clear menus you need to understand your customers’ top tasks and use the words they would look for as they seek to complete these tasks. Good web navigation is unsubtle. It is clear, precise, familiar, consistent, boring, unemotional. Good navigation is ugly and functional. You’ve just designed a […]