professional web presence

Can you Trust your Gut Instinct?

In an age when computers can crunch numbers and do analysis on a vast scale, the deep flaws in our intuition and gut instinct are becoming more and more apparent. Direct Instruction is a rigid, highly structured form of education. The teacher has very little control and must follow a […]

Are Great Website a “Needy” Child?

The public website or intranet that keeps screaming for attention with useless images and vain content will get little from the impatient and skeptical customer. The needs of the organization are great, and the larger and older the organization gets, the greater those needs become. The problem is that the […]

Are Great Websites “Boring” to Manage?

Is your website for your web team? Is it for your marketing manager? Is it for your communications manager? Or perhaps your branding manager? Or maybe some senior manager or politician? Should it really be for those people? Will focusing on their needs genuinely help you achieve your objectives in […]