website hosting

Web Managers: Top Tasks Vs Tiny Tasks

Separating the top tasks from the tiny tasks is one of a web manager’s most important responsibilities. A major publisher has for the last 30 years published technical books that can be up to 200 pages long. When they started moving their books to the Web, they found that the […]

Is Web Testing the New PR?

Today, customers expect organizations to listen, observe and respond. Don’t say you care. Show you care. While recently testing some websites tasks with a some customers, At the end of the tests they were asked if they had any observations. They almost unanimously said they were impressed by the way […]

Has Google Lost the Plot?

Goggle has achieved its position by delivering great quality search results really quickly through a very simple interface. “Did you see the Google homepage today? They’ve put a background image on it!” Everyone looked on in disbelief. “Look, I’ll show you,” and he loaded Google on his iPhone. “Oh! It’s […]