website hosting

The Shift to Cloud Service

Cloud computing and virtualization reflect a general movement driven by the Web: a shift towards a more service-driven economy. There are two major trends that are now coming together to reshape our economies and societies. One is the continuing replacement of humans by computers in the workplace. Computers are essential […]

Boring Website Designs VS Impatient?

Customers are much more likely to get impatient with your website than they are to be bored with it. When was the last time you were bored with a website? Do you get bored with Google? Do you get bored with Amazon? Perhaps the last book you bought from Amazon […]

People Are Not Always the Problem

Managers in large organizations are too concerned with downsizing and cost cutting and not concerned enough with efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction. “Much of the conventional wisdom about downsizing-like the fact that it automatically drives a company’s stock price higher, or increases profitability-turns out to be wrong, Jeffrey Pfeffer writes […]