
Is The Customer Always In Charge?

The shift away from blind faith and unquestioned brand loyalty is good for both customers and organizations. “Conventional political wisdom says it can be pretty much taken for granted that most voters lean sharply left or right and commit to one candidate early on,” the story continued, “and the real […]

Web Content Migration is a Disastrous Startegy

There is probably no worse strategy for an intranet or public website than content migration. It is doomed to failure from the very start. Joe the manager picks up a jug. Inside that jug is milk that is curdled, sour and foul smelling. As Joe shakes the jug the solids […]

The Case for Deleting Web Content

The more you delete, the more you simplify. The more you simplify, the more you increase the chances of your customers succeeding on your website. An example: an organization managed to delete a substantial quantity of content from its website. It was not an easy process. In fact, it took […]