
Interactive: The New Meaningless Word

Making your websites more interactive could be very well a meaningless strategy. How about making your website useful instead. Try picturing this scene. You are sitting in a meeting with some very cool people. These cool people think that, when it comes to the Web, they totally get it. They’re […]

Intranet Search: How horrendous can it be?

Intranet search is a horrendous task because people neither want their content to get found nor the organization value the importance of finding, or both. That is why many of the best organizations in the world have such web search engines. They seem to share the same quality of search […]

Killer Web Content Examples

Dozens of small business owners / mangers ae wondering: how can we enhance our web content? Out of 18 choices, why does one piece of content get 49 percent of the vote while another gets 0 percent? Over the last six years, a range of headings and summaries were tested. The tests […]