
Rise of the Rancorousness Customer

For the last few years, you should have notice a new type of customer is rising on the Web. This new type of customer is becoming more and more immune to marketing happy talk and demands facts not fiction. Too much marketing and advertising treats the customer like a sucker. […]

Some Customers are not Worth the Effort

Ever heard someone say: “Fire your Customer” and this made wonder: “Is this person crazy? How can someone say something like that? How can you fire your Customer?” Well in the Marketing and Web world, it is highly recommended to apply it. Website success has as much to do with […]

Finding and Helping People: The Number ONE Task on the Web

The Web is supposed to replace manual service with self-service, but sometimes our number one task on a website is to find someone to talk to. Over the years, it have been noticed that a key task, particularly on intranets, is to find people. This is somewhat ironic when you […]