
Honest Marketing: The way to go on the WWW

Web customers are not fools. The only reason they search the Web is to compare, evaluate and make a decision. So be honest and give them the facts A good example of this is some airline carriers. Without mentioning anyone, some of them have an extremely devious (to say the […]

World Wide Web not World Wide Website

The World Wide Web is the network and the organization. It is not your website which is important, reaching your customers is. Organizations came into being because for certain issues that people related to and organized themselves in groups. Generally, groups are more effective than individuals on their own. A […]

Are Search Words Misleading?!

Surprisingly, when people use words to search anything online, they are not always a true reflection of what they are really looking for. A good example is: “Cheap Hotels”. Are people really looking for a cheap hotel? Do they want to come across a banner that says: “Welcome to our […]