
Great Websites DO, not SAY

Never tell people what you’re going to do for them on the Web. Just let them do what they came to do as quickly and simply as possible. “Welcome to our website.” What? I’m in a hurry. I don’t want to pass meaningless pleasantries with your website. I don’t want […]

Evidence-Based Website Management

The Web is becoming more and more a perfect environment in which to make management decisions based on solid evidence and results rather than emotions and opinions. It is becoming scarcer, almost daily, to have educated guess or gut instinct when it comes to web-based decision making, the world is […]

Why Bother Blog?

Ever asked yourself this question before : Why bother blogging? why do we blog? and what effect (whether positive or negative) does it have on our bottom line sales and marketing. Blogging, or blogs – more appropriately and formally called “Web logs” – are ongoing, informal communications about topics of interest. One […]